Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dinner for 3

Well I got home after picking up the Dog from the groomers today. Called my friends Todd, Amy and Oliver. Wished Oliver a happy birthday. He is so cute. I then got off the phone, and started to think. Well thinking turned into complete sobbing. I have not cried really good in a long time. Yesterday was 8 months since Misty passed and I miss her so much!

Well as I was crying I thought about some spagetti sauce that she made and froze for us to eat later. I thought why not make a special dinner for us as a family. Me Misty and Lucas. Try not to think of me insane because I am not. This was actually therapeutic to do. I was supposed to get so much done tonight but I just could not stop crying. I hate to say it but it felt good to let those feelings out. I prayed over dinner as if Misty and Lucas were right there, I asked for them to be blessed in their work on the other side of the veil and it felt so good to think of them with me.

And of course in true Misty fashion she had to take pictures of every cute thing. So that's what I did in remembrance of her. Even though it was frozen for 9 months the sauce was GREAT! Misty is a awesome cook. I did not get my english paper done but I will have to work on it now so I get an "A" like my last one!

Here are the pictures of the night. for some reason it put them in the wrong order and it won't change it when I drag them. I can edit the HTML but I am lazy and don't have the time. I took the first picture with my phone and then decided to try to get artsy... did not work too well.

You would not believe how ard it is to get this clear with out a tripod in low lighting.

Misty wrote this note to me about 2 weeks before she died.


Allison said...

What a sweet thing for you to do. I bet Misty and Lucas were proud of the husband and dad you are. Glad it was therapudic, I think those things are good. We love ya and we think of you often.

Twisted Chicken said...

Beautiful photos, beautiful emotions, beautiful love...it's just beautiful.

Amelia said...

Love it, Jake. Love the idea, love the pictures, love that it was good and healthy for you. I KNOW Misty loved it, and is so proud of you. You are so blessed to have each other for ever. I'm so thankful for eternal families!

Natalie said...

Beautiful! Made me tear up. I like the idea of praying as if she's there... because I have no doubt that she often is.

Alicia said...

aw, Jake. You are so loved.

Regirlfriend said...

Jake, this was a great idea and I'm so glad you wrote about it. I have been super sick and of course that just makes everything sadder. I haven't let feelings out in long time so it was quite the backlog.

This is just to say that I'm glad you had a good cry and enjoyed a night with them there.

Taylor's said...

You are amazing!

Amanda said...

Wow Jake, what a thoughtful post. I'm glad that was therapeutic for you. . . what a wonderful woman Misty was. I'm sure Misty and Lucas are not as far away as we may think at times. We will continue to remember you in our prayers.

Zoe said...

this post made me cry, I am sure Misty and Jake were right there with you. (((hugs))) thinking of you

Wallace Family said...

Thank you for sharing these precious moments with us!
Misty is so great! I am so glad that you did this for your sweet family! I think the pictures are awesome! I wish I could take good "artsy" pictures... when I try to get creative, mine end up bad... Hang in there Jake. You will be rewarded for your suffering, of that I have no doubt. We pray for you (Jocelyn prayed for you tonight) ~hugs~

Heathsyl said...

Jake you are amazing, and I am sorry you have to go throught what you are, but know there are a million and one people including me here for you whenever you need us! Oh and I added you to my blog hope thats cool!